When the game begins, the player received a letter from the director of the Titanic Museum Foundation.
That afternoon, my daughter greeted me at the front door with a script she had received from the director of her children's theater workshop.
He also received a number of suggestions/directions directly from the director himself.
On October 1, 2000, the president of the DCA received a call from the new director of real estate for Food Lion.
Clergy who intone their parts in the service should nevertheless be open to receive tuition from the musical director, where this is needed.
He also wrote the screenplay for Watchmen from the comic book series of the same name, which received an enthusiastic reception from the director and original illustrator.
I have just received authorization from the medical director to go ahead and amputate the leg of Raymond Denny, an otherwise healthy twenty-five-year-old.
He'd received a letter from the director of the nursing home, suggesting that he select some mementos for Phoebe to have in her room when she went to live there.
Her short life has been even harder because of constant mistreatment she has received from the strict director of the institution.