Late in the day, however, we received a call from our daughter in North Carolina.
Maybe he had said good riddance to her and rushed back to receive another kiss from his partner's daughter.
One day she receives a letter from her daughter, who has fled to Hong Kong.
Seven years ago, however, she began to receive a generous allowance from her daughter and that continued to her death.
The landlord had also received a phone call from Page's daughter in New York.
The father received from his own daughter, whom he also failed to recognize, helpful advice and comforting exhortation.
In prison, Jimmy is able to receive occasional visits from his daughter.
About noon, he received a disturbing phone call from his daughter, Maria.
At trial, King's mother testified that she received four phone calls from her daughter the night of her death.
While leaving the hotel, he receives a video from his daughter who is doing well off in a ship.