Along the way he received glowing accolades from loyal Republican officials for his help.
Drake is most often shown working alone, having received his orders from unidentified officials (or sometimes stumbling upon a case by himself).
The report also found that most states were satisfied with the help they had received from federal officials and private contractors in applying for grants.
He said he has received dozens of phone calls from officials in cities throughout the nation asking about the program.
He has received much criticism from officials who have urged him to stop his inquiries but, so far, no threats.
Until today, the family had received no calls from local government or military officials.
The proposal has received strong support from municipal officials, environmental groups and potential developers of the surrounding area.
Taylor received a lot of praise from the players, fans and officials for his achievement.
Hull arranged to receive position reports from officials of the line.
He received offers from Australian officials to not compete in return for financial payments.