The delays prevented the state and city from receiving payments for the land.
Owners cannot build or otherwise disturb that land so it is reasonable that they receive fair compensation for the land, which then becomes part of the Park.
It was constructed by Charles Daffin who received a patent for the land in 1784 under the name of Daffin's Farm.
It received an offer for the land with the tanks on it, but turned it down.
Although there had been competing claims on the land, Davis resolved most of them and in 1898 received a patent from the US government for the land.
However, in 1871 the Orange Free State republic's government received 90 000 from the British Crown in compensation for the land taken.
The People received about twenty dollars per acre for the land.
Thomas Martindale received patent for the land where the cemetery was in 1848 - the burial ground appearing in the deed abstracts from 1853 through 1901.
The Tepehuan community received an official grant for the land in 1733.
Irrigation soon became a necessity, since having a water source was a requirement for receiving the patent for the land from the U.S. Land Office.