Each player on the practice squad receives $3,300 a week for 17 weeks.
Her case is pending; if approved, she will receive $308 a week for 13 weeks.
Most of the displaced workers are receiving unemployment compensation for 26 weeks, or until they find new jobs.
Each pupil received ten minutes of individual instruction from a classroom assistant every day for 18 weeks.
The study participants received the acupuncture or the other treatments five times a week for eight weeks.
Therefore, you will probably not receive your flag for 4-6 weeks after it has been flown.
The families will receive 20 hours of help a week for four to eight weeks.
It meant clients received £36 a week for 52 weeks.
Patients received treatment every-other day for two weeks receiving a total of 6 treatments.
Ten out of 20 people who faced this problem following a stroke received the magnet therapy daily for two weeks.