The Department of Foreign Affairs had not received "feelers" that Thaksin wanted haven in the Philippines.
He has received feelers from colleges looking for assistant coaches.
Also on the plus side, while they had received vague feelers from Admiral Esther McQueen, they had been careful to keep their distance.
Endorsements are another possibility as Meola has received feelers from American Express and Gillette and offers to endorse soccer equipment.
During those 14 years, he received several feelers from teams, and he said he almost took one or two jobs, but in the end, the idea of a sane home life anchored him.
Since then, he has received feelers from other Hispanic leaders about running as a pan-Hispanic Council candidate in Queens.
Even though he received offers and feelers about running other studios and taking top network jobs, he felt humiliated.
Still, Mr. Lee said the Financial Supervisory Commission hoped to find another foreign investor, and he said he had received feelers from several potential replacements.
Hopkins received feelers for other coaching jobs, but he said he did not want to leave because Western fit his personality.
Piniella is also believed to have received feelers from other teams.