Most of the well educated or those with genuine refugee status had already been accepted by receiving countries.
The illegal migration is a nuisance for us, just as it is for receiving countries like the United States.
Nearly all countries are concerned by migration, whether as sending, transit, or receiving countries, or as a combination of these.
In 2010, according to a World Bank report, Indonesia was among the world's top ten remittance receiving countries with value of totalling $7 billion.
Preference receiving countries use invoice declaration for these goods.
The waste shipment may occur only after the transit and receiving countries have given consent for the shipment.
All participants in the process, both representatives of receiving countries and the opinion leaders of the immigrants, must be given definite tasks to perform.
A number of national strategy documents include activities relating to trade, higher education, civil aviation and even the promotion of the EU in receiving countries.
By the end of 1990s it received serious popularity in Belarus and other countries of the Russian speaking world.
He received Haba guerrilla instruction in Cuba and communist countries of Europe.