He receives comfort from his friends, especially Greenlee.
Jake reached down and cautiously stroked his head, as much to receive comfort as to give it.
The incident became a hot issue to many viewers, but Goo Hara received comfort instead of criticism from the general public.
Arrau had isolated himself for two weeks after his mother's death, refusing to perform or to receive comfort from friends.
Children dip in and out of the circle, but only to show off a captured salamander or receive comfort for a bruised knee.
Every middle class family would receive the immediate certainty and comfort of knowing their tax cuts were permanently extended.
He longed to talk to Troi, and receive not only competent guidance, but emotional comfort.
"We knew it would be about a woman broken by life who, after surrendering herself to God or to a higher power, receives comfort from three angels."
Another scene has Jesus praying in Getsemani, receiving comfort from an angel.
But as Elizabeth could not receive comfort from any such expectation, she made no answer.