Two games into the match, he called for the trainer and received extensive treatment before going on to win in straight sets.
Each side receives identical information about the other party before going into a one-on-one negotiation.
He received his law degree from Brooklyn Law School before going into practice in Auburn.
He received early musical education on the cello from his father before going to university in Vienna to study law.
The oldest of five children, he received an elementary school education before going to work as a woodcutter, butcher, baker and candy salesman.
It is not necessary to file a complaint with a Federal agency or to receive a "right-to-sue" letter before going to court.
The family homestead accommodated up to six young men who received basic farm training from the monks before going on to an agricultural college.
The Rangers sat in the room where F-16 pilots received their instructions before going to Afghanistan.
Muldoon was left waiting for a response and despite Hensley's appeals to Galvin, received none before going home around 5 pm.
Half of all students receive some kind of private tuition before going to the exam.