In return, they would each receive a limited edition of the score autographed by Mr. Harbison and the right to a performance on the official premiere day.
Each winner of the 1990 Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit received $10000 and a specially bound edition of his or her book.
For example, Mitch Glazer, the screenwriter who adapted "Great Expectations," received a rare first edition of the book from the cast.
"Snake" received a special double A-side edition with "Thoia Thoing".
In 1831 her writings received a second edition at Brockhaus' publishing house: the collected oevres filled no less than 24 volumes.
Attendees also received a limited edition, one-of-a-kind t-shirt.
Anyone who pre-ordered the album from the bands official website, received a special edition of the album on the original set release dates.
The poem has not received a modern edition.
He received a first edition of Wordsworth's poems, published in 1815, in two volumes.
History of Cultivated Vegetables and Flora historica both received a second edition.