He has also supported a bill that would require minors to notify their parents before receiving abortions.
He also voted to expand research of embryonic Stem Cells and to allow minors to go across state lines to receive abortions.
In contrast, waiting periods have been shown to pose genuine barriers to receiving abortions in this country.
The published studies investigating the abortion-breast cancer hypothesis generally start with a group of women who already have received abortions.
One would require parental permission for girls under 17 to receive abortions.
To allow animals to vote (or to allow cis men to receive abortions) would be unnecessary and illogical.
In the early 1950s, the Chinese government made abortion illegal, with punishments for those who received or performed illegal abortions written into the law.
It did not say whether any victims had indicated that they had received abortions.
In 1983 alone, more than 16 million women and four million men were sterilised, and 14 million women received abortions.