He had expressed a similar thought to a neurologist friend of his once, to receive an alarmed look in reply.
The tower received a new look to reflect its more upscale surroundings, although there currently is no public access.
Shepherd looked at his pilot with a smile, but he received a look of shock in return.
I know of no case in which anyone received pocket money or a look at his account.
Will received a withering look from his father and he cursed himself for asking so naive a question.
Residents have already received a sobering look at what the Sound's future is likely to hold without costly cleanup efforts.
He'd suggested it to Ben at the lunch break and received a long humorous look.
He lifted her back onto the floor and received a withering look in return.
He received a look of astonishment, but no answer.
Receiving a look of surprise: "He goes there fairly often.