She recalled working with a man who had just watched as his son was struck and killed by a car.
One former colleague recalls working with him in the early 1970s: 'Then he was very much one of the new breed.
She recalled working last summer on a farm in southwestern Michigan with more than 300 workers, and only a single toilet.
None of them were men anybody could recall working for either Lord or Steele.
Two women recall working at a munitions factory near Bridgend.
The detective recalled working in a cab that night, but not the brief encounter.
A man recalls working in the fields as a 5-year-old.
Factory workers recall working on smaller items like dolls and teapots.
HE recalled working with a family that owns a manufacturing company in the Midwest.
Ms. Rachiele recalled working 10 hours a day, 6 days a week from 1943 to 1945 because of production demands.