In fact, he could not recall hearing one for some time.
Think back and try to recall hearing the word "love" at any time before.
Joe could never recall hearing such a statement from a banker before.
And he could not recall hearing her say anything particularly fawning about him.
He couldn't recall ever hearing such determination in her voice before.
No one could quite recall ever hearing him laugh at anything.
Don't recall hearing any of that on daytime Radio 1.
I don't recall hearing any voice telling me to break things and set fires.
She was no longer in the loft, although he could not recall hearing her leave.
Seems to me I recall hearing about a similar case.
"One day your children are there and the next they are gone," an Administration official who saw the encounter recalled hearing.
One cannot recall hearing of a conductor who scrubs down a statue.
I can dimly recall hearing of this great work, and...
I don't recall hearing or reading that he denied there were ever such claims.
I don't recall hearing of any student choosing the latter.
She had a memory of those word that she didn't recall hearing.
He recalls hearing, as a 16-year-old boy, the bomber plane before the atom bomb exploded.
Six years was the figure I vaguely recalled hearing mentioned.
It seemed a notion that would fit their beliefs, but he could not recall hearing of it in the Empire.
"They want to do something big," the witness recalled hearing.