In New York, for instance, billions of dollars in bonds were sold to rebuild highways in bridges.
While the government has quickly rebuilt main highways, progress has been slow in returning people to damaged homes or building new housing.
Proponents argued that the money could be used to rebuild overcrowded highways and expand mass transit services.
The legislation would provide low-interest loans and grants to rebuild homes, businesses and highways in the devastated area.
American trade negotiators have been pressing Japan to speed up its intensive program of public works projects, rebuilding airports and highways and erecting new government buildings.
A1 Senator Dole backed a gas-tax hike to help rebuild bridges and highways.
Yet rebuilding highways, railroads, bridges, ports and tens of thousands of buildings in the Kobe area will be a huge job.
Louisiana lawmakers plan to push for billions of dollars to upgrade the levees around New Orleans, rebuild highways, lure back business and shore up the city's sinking foundation.
A second element would be "transportation, rebuilding highways and bridges so we can transport our commerce and our goods and our people."
This afternoon, he signed an official declaration of disaster, making aid available for rebuilding highways and schools, low-interest loans and emergency unemployment funds.