But if oil prices rebound later this year, as the oil industry generally expects, that economic benefit could vanish.
Monsanto's stock opened $6.75 lower on the news, but later rebounded, closing up $2.875 at $150.625.
The band rebounded two years later, finding their biggest success yet as they joined Capitol Records.
"It's obviously a negative start, but there's a feeling that Wall Street will rebound later today," one trader said.
The index later rebounded, closing 35.03 points higher.
Sales slowed around 1999-2000 due to supply chain issues, but quickly rebounded a few years later.
They've been out of favor so long, he added, that they're bound to rebound sooner or later.
Beneath the yellow blades should be a point of green and below that a healthy root system, protecting itself now and waiting to rebound later.
The dollar traded lower on the show of support, though it later rebounded.
Crude oil prices fell below $14 a barrel early yesterday, but they later rebounded to end the day with only small losses.