Where a physical dependence or a rebound effect such as rebound headache is possible, gradual reduction of medication may be necessary.
Overuse of ergotamine can lead to a rebound headache.
"Last year, my pain medicines - the ones that are supposed to stop a migraine - seemed to be causing rebound headaches," she says.
This is more commonly known as rebound headache, although some sources use the term interchangeably.
Some have "analgesic rebound headaches," caused by pain medication itself.
The suggested outpatient treatment for rebound headaches - stopping all medication entirely - usually doesn't work, the neurologist said.
These people are also apt to develop rebound headaches, he noted, because of their efforts to find a pain remedy.
Despite such troubling findings, the "rebound headache," as it is known, has yet to be widely discussed.
A rebound headache may be the outcome if these medications aren't taken as directed.
A rebound headache occurs once pain medication has worn off, prompting a person to take another dose.