She comes from a less ideal family than the Forths, cultivates a somewhat rebellious image, and is often blunt to the point of rudeness with adults.
Young celebrities who wish to cultivate a rebellious image, such as many rock musicians, reject the "idol" label.
And shoplifting can be a badge of honor for those in search of a rebellious image.
His rebellious image and often anti-authoritarian stance influenced punk rock.
First Madonna, then Courtney Love have sent real shock waves through the culture by flaunting rebellious images unapologetically.
The Raiders encouraged a rebellious image.
James, the lead singer and focal-point of the group, attracted media attention with her sexually-charged and rebellious image.
Despite punk's rebellious image, its inheritors can be as relentlessly positive as gospel singers.
At the same time M'ba, while maintaining his "rebellious" image to the electorate, became close with the French administration.
The film made the young star, Doze Niu, "a pop icon and tagged him with a rebellious image."