It seems that this natural leader has become the chief of a rebellious group of bushrangers.
They soon became the ringleaders of a rebellious little group that met each night around the compound fire.
All the rebellious groups were defeated later that summer at the battle of Mello and reprisals followed.
Like a metal monitor watching over a group of rebellious children - rebellious because they weren't adult yet.
Enjolras is cut from the film, making Marius the only leader of the (unnamed) rebellious group.
This wild, rebellious group of young men were the first to bear the name 'hackers.'
The Burmese military has made similar deals with rebellious ethnic groups along its insurgency-plagued border.
The consent among these rebellious groups, however, did not last long.
Some soldiers are said by travelers arriving in Iran to have joined rebellious groups but there has been no confirmation of this.
Effectively, the 17 provinces were now divided into a southern group loyal to the Spanish king, and a rebellious northern group.