The rebellion resulted in the deaths of many slaves; estimates of the toll range from 100 to 250.
These rebellions each resulted in an estimated loss of several million lives, and had a devastating impact on the fragile economy.
The rebellion after one King's offensive would result in his successor's next vengeful assault.
Ivan Mazepa's rebellion resulted in tragedy for the Ukrainian people.
The rebellion resulted in the hanging of about eighteen slaves, including Nat Turner himself.
The Raiders' rebellions never resulted in anything more than having to walk home because they were too drunk to change a flat tire.
The 1868 rebellion resulted in a prolonged conflict known as the Ten Years' War.
The 1837 rebellion resulted in a declaration of martial law, and suspension of Canada's Constitution.
This rebellion resulted that the Frisians temporarily fell back to their old pagan religion.
The rebellion and subsequent disorder resulted in a huge loss of life and large-scale destruction.