A weary cheer went through the rebel ranks.
The bombing has taken a heavy toll on rebel ranks.
The rebel ranks were decimated by the skillful practice of its gunners.
The cavalry charges scattered the rebel ranks, and the battle became a slaughter.
But the campaign also appears to be an effort to marshal domestic political support and rebuild a consensus in the sometimes fractious rebel ranks.
Their most serious errors include the practice of kidnapping civilians in Nicaragua and forcing them to join the rebel ranks.
Another reason for his departure was the increased presence of informants within the rebel ranks, making it hard for him to continue military activities.
He simply had to bear it and do his best: not the greatest of skilled mercenaries nor any great rebel rank.
They had to obey any order by just about anybody who was not Akhbreed, subject to the hierarchy of rebel rank.
Over the past two years, the rebel ranks have fallen from around 1,000 hardcore members to some 400 today.