In Rwanda, Tutsi-led rebels eventually drove the Hutu-led government from power.
Later the rebels drove the British residents out of Princeton and for a time established a national capital there.
On 19 August 2011, the rebels made a major push and drove loyalist forces out of the city.
The rebels had driven the army out of Ambo last month, only to withdraw shortly afterward under threat of a Government counterattack.
On 27 May, they attempted to advance on Misrata, but the rebels drove them back, losing 5 dead and 8-9 wounded.
Meantime the rebels, learning that their right flank was unprotected, massed for an assault, and drove them back to their main line.
As a systemically organized insurrection in Bosnia is of no possibility, the rebels pursue and drive back the Muslim population into their towns.
A third rebel drove the getaway car.
To aid their attack, the rebels first drove a herd of cattle through the gate.
What else could they be, rebels driven to hiding right on the edge of Whitecloak power?