Democrats generally would like to give the stimulus money back to taxpayers in the form of rebate checks.
The Democrats would reduce the rebate checks sent to taxpayers, to an average of $300 a year from $500.
Driving into the high school here, I saw a sign that said, "Thanks for the $600 rebate check."
So that is why Camden property owners are likely to see a rebate check of $249 in five years, far below the $600 average.
The rebate checks would go out next year, in the thick of the gubernatorial race.
Gradual cuts in tax rates will follow the rebate checks.
Soak the rich, twice, and give everyone else a much bigger rebate check.
Each eligible senior received a one-time, tax free $250 rebate check.
The amount of the rebate checks would increase by 20 percent each year until 2004.
Despite the impression some people have, there are no rebate checks.