"That's a good girl," I said, stepping forward and making reassuring clucking noises.
His mouth was fall of breast, so the best he could manage was a reassuring noise.
The crystal around her began to crackle and tzing soft reassuring noises.
When he eventually succeeded Nixon, Ford immediately made reassuring noises to his former colleagues in the legislature.
I heard the toilet galumphing and, after that, the reassuring white noise of a shower being run.
All was quiet there, just the strong, steady, reassuring noise of her breathing.
But his reassuring noises are too soothing, too calming, humoring me.
You had to say something, you had to make reassuring noises, but the poor blighter never really took any of it in at first.
How long can I continue to make reassuring noises before this becomes a full-scale panic?
The reassuring daytime noises of this busy city hospital had ceased hours before.