The appeals court overturned the orders, but its reasoning suggested that the issue will recur.
The same reasoning suggests that George W. Bush should pick his father, the former president.
Mr. Hahn's reasoning suggests that technology companies may do as they please, regardless of the law, because by the time a case meanders through the courts, it is irrelevant.
Tatel's reasoning suggests that he would be more inclined than a judge like Luttig to recognize a constitutional right to personal autonomy, which isn't found explicitly in the Constitution.
Strangely, terribly, the Demon Lord's reasoning suggested truth.
The reasoning seems sound, and also suggests Alastair Darling is talking nonsense.
Intuitive reasoning would suggest that any Reality Change would increase its effects without limit as the Centuries pass, yet that is not so.
The majority's reasoning suggests "that no damages should ever be awarded in a Title IX case," Justice Stevens said.
That is, Tainter's reasoning suggested to him that complex societies are not likely to allow themselves to collapse through failure to manage their environmental resources.
This reasoning suggests that capital flows are potentially more stabilizing under floating.