It is thought that none of the selection of vintage aircraft sold, the Stearman, for example, reaching £30,000 against a reasonably realistic estimate of £35-38,000.
These decelerations look reasonably realistic to me, and consistent stopping positions are obtained to within a few cms.
I pride myself on being reasonably realistic.
"The key," he said, is the use of "reasonably realistic estimates in a consistent manner."
Things do finally come to a point where a reasonably realistic viewer is likely to mutter, 'Oh, no!'
Instead, a reasonably realistic conqueror lived to a ripe age and bequeathed a reasonably well-constructed empire.
The ball moves according to reasonably realistic physics, and the game was restricted to using table elements which would also be possible to build in reality.
She practiced, and soon had a reasonably realistic mode of eating.
This was felt to be a reasonably realistic scenario, although the report stated that a total strike in excess of 1,000 megatons would not be unexpected.
It lets a player character behave in a reasonably realistic manner.