While they and others may have delivered goods at reasonably low prices, consumers often walked away feeling uneasy.
Consequently, a great deal of fairly good wine appeared on the shelves at reasonably low prices.
Even though faster wireless networks are now available, 802.11b offers users what they want at a reasonably low price.
Many merchants, stores, companies and artisans offer their products at reasonably low prices.
If the car is in good condition and has reasonably low mileage, a private sale will probably be more profitable.
"On the money side, the cost of financing is reasonably low by historical standards, around 8 or 9 percent."
Local living costs in this area are reasonably low.
They are proposing something that is reasonably low key, but who knows what may happen in the long run?
Students have to pay fees for classes from nursery to 4th grade, which are reasonably low.
The survey shows that the value of the parish was reasonably low.