The train service is reasonably frequent for such a rural area, and there is a limited bus service.
Many of the local older residents have memories of reasonably frequent school services, charter trains, Railtours and various specials from Rowrah into the 1950s and 1960s.
Now, suddenly, it seemed all had changed, reasonably frequent work at the docks, money in their pockets, a great mate to share it with, and their own transport.
It is a very rare vagrant to Europe, but like several related Asiatic rosefinches is reasonably frequent in the cage-bird trade so many records have been considered to relate to escapes.
And incidently on the Mandela call, we've been in reasonably frequent touch, and I told him that certainly that consultation will certainly continue.
The station is serviced by the Bankstown railway line of the CityRail network which provides reasonably frequent services to the Sydney CBD and south-western suburbs.
For this reason, and to minimise the amount of work involved, it is good practice to carry out such reconciliations at reasonably frequent intervals.
A more familiar version came into Miss Marple's mind--the kind of story that had been reasonably frequent in her own village.
Vendémiaire and her sistership Nivose are reasonably frequent visitors to Wellington.
Hybridisation in gulls is a reasonably frequent occurrence in the wild.