And despite the initial chaos, observers said it was reasonably free and fair.
The last elections to the lower house were deemed reasonably free and fair by international observers.
"So long as the fire's warm and the straw reasonably free of fleas, I am a happy man."
Perversely enough, the heads on all decks were reasonably free of unpleasant odors.
There is no sign of democracy in China's future, although the economy is reasonably free.
"Maybe it's what would happen with any intelligent species developing in a reasonably free society."
The veneers must be reasonably free from irregular grain.
If international pressure can force General Noriega to permit a reasonably free vote, opposition parties stand a good chance of winning.
Outsiders judged the June vote reasonably free and fair.
He stripped away large chunks of his burdensome gear and stood reasonably free.