I managed a feeble grin and said in what I hoped was a reasonably cheerful tone, "Okay.
If he is not likely to make complete sense of the West's dark cultural epilogue, on this day, at least, he seems to remain reasonably cheerful.
"Chow's the best idea yet," he said, and managed a reasonably cheerful grin for her.
Jimmy himself was one of the few who were feeling reasonably cheerful.
And despite the reasonably cheerful concept of a kiddie ride, they consider themselves a beleaguered lot caught in a losing proposition.
Her reply was respectful and reasonably cheerful, but he heard the disgust under its surface.
It was not easy working groundside, though raising a family kept me reasonably cheerful.
On a reasonably cheerful note, the senators filed out of the room.
As the boat took Ramage back to theLively, he was sur-prised to find he felt reasonably cheerful.
But they also hold out a promise that if you maintain a reasonably cheerful demeanor, you will still be invited out when you get old.