You may ask a repairer to start work on any reasonable repairs, after an accident.
The advocate's office called the main jail, which houses about 100 prisoners, "unsafe and inhumane" and "beyond reasonable repair."
Your house should also be in reasonable repair to obtain a grant, but if it isn't, help may be available through Renovation Grants - seek advice from your local council.
Fort St Leonardo still exists, and is in reasonable repair, though a house has been built inside the ditch and the ditch in-filled to create an access.
He could see immediately that the patella, or kneecap, had deteriorated beyond reasonable repair and that it would be both quicker and better to remove it entirely.
But most were fully independent, obeying a series of sophisticated strategies while keeping themselves in reasonable repair.
It's in reasonable repair up to that point, but then it forks, one fork joining the Taverna road again, a short stretch that's in good shape, and the other going down to the city.
But the cost of rehabilitation is prohibitive in these complex buildings, honeycombs beyond the reach of reasonable repair.
But my husband couldn't bring himself to do it, despite the cracked bellows, keys and valves that rendered it beyond reasonable repair.
The station buildings have survived and are kept in reasonable repair.