Yet, what is happening in the park has generated sympathy and support for the parrots in defiance of reasonable projections.
That at least suggests that the government used reasonable projections of future losses, and did not, as many feared, rig the tests to make the banks look good.
Peter J. Siris, an analyst with UBS Securities, said those numbers were reasonable projections.
Under practically any reasonable projection, you will be worth hundreds of millions of dollars at the end of the ten-year period, risk-free.
But the example of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts is ominous: payment for an expansion in the 80's was based on what seemed at the time reasonable projections about attendance and income.
"Anybody with 1,200 delegates on the floor of a convention can disrupt it," said Mr. Donilon, making a reasonable and perhaps even conservative projection of Mr. Jackson's strength.
Item 10 suggests management make reasonable projections for the future.
Believers in the free-market system, investors are prepared to take a licking from time to time-as long as their losses are based on truthful accounts of a company's finances and on reasonable projections about its future.
"But no reasonable projection of internal cash flow would indicate they could retire their debt maturity in 1997."
That figure for your budget is a reasonable projection, based on estimated expenses and current pay scales even Grimble says it's acceptable and has approved it.