Those who are parsimonious don't need rewards, just fair treatment and reasonable pricing.
They are red and white, they come from everywhere and about the only thing most of them share is reasonable pricing (a couple don't even do that).
WB fits a nice niche, has reasonable pricing and makes for a very focused and targeted purchase.
The airline offers competitive and reasonable pricing for its island tours.
But to identify and develop those drugs will require reasonable pricing and big amounts of funding.
Despite our concerns with the Galant's overall level of refinement, we remain impressed by the car's considerable power and reasonable pricing.
Emphasis was given to quality of the staff, reasonable pricing and warm service.
Unfortunately, the reasonable pricing does not extend to the wine list.
The 5's reasonable pricing is also a regular topic of conversation.
Buyers need not seek further competition, synopsize the requirement, make a separate determination of fair and reasonable pricing, or consider small business programs.