The administration offers several reasons to explain why the drug benefit will cost $100 billion more than Congress expected.
It is almost impossible to predict the result for the reasons explained above.
Whatever Jack's reasons for staying out of the case, which by the way he had never explained, they didn't count anymore, sorry.
As things turned out, for reasons explained at length elsewhere, there was not going to be a second television series.
As well, they were moved around within the Chinese prison system for reasons not explained to the prisoners.
Two main reasons explain why these channels are so efficient.
All reasons why the house can no longer stay in the family, as Hepburn's brother explained.
The train, for reasons never explained to those on board, came to a halt.
These same reasons can explain part of the look's appeal to males as well.
The point still remains: it's the wrong behavior, for the reason explained in the article.