Branching logics, however, can reason about multiple time lines.
Often, it is easier to reason about non-recursive computation.
Why worry, they reasoned, about something so irrelevant?
Axioms systems are useful because they provide a way to abstractly reason about all of the models at once.
The modeling language represents a task structure so that an intelligent agent can reason about its potential actions in the context of its working environment.
We can reason about particulars; and the immediate object of all our reasonings is nothing but particular ideas.
That's just the way one should reason about one's pleasures, and his philosophy pleases me infinitely.
"It's hard to imagine how you could reason about anything of any complexity that's physical without involving vision."
As his career progressed, Dahl became increasingly interested in the use of formal methods, to rigorously reason about object-orientation for example.
We can only reason about them from afar.