Reared among music icons due to his father's business as the founder of Sunn guitar amps, Sundholm's understanding of the sonic landscape grew from childhood.
His mother died when he was young, and he and his seven siblings were reared among extended family in Montgomery.
But his son Asfan, who was reared among nobles, received a commission and led a punitive force directed to suppress a rebellion in his motherland.
"You were reared among heathen," the man said.
There he discovers a teen-age son (Mr. Huntington) he never knew existed is being reared among Amazonian tribesmen.
Questions aside, an old prejudice, with roots in Japan's imperialist era, has reared its head among the Japanese: Koreans are scary, after all.
Having been reared among the torturers, I have never known my father or my mother.
Reared on The Eagles and James Taylor among others, the baby-boomers have been turning instead to country.
His father, you should remember, was not reared among eunuchs.
Adults have been reared from whitish larvae among the roots of sugarcane.