They pulled their horses rearing to a halt before him.
Many parents who reared children before the current abundance of safety products tend to think that a lot of them aren't really needed.
And the beast reared before him.
He thanked God for the innate resourcefulness that allowed him to recognize an opportunity when it reared before him.
He overrode the cautionary signals, turning at the edge of the shelf where a wall of rock reared high before him.
For a second he had the illusion it reared defiant before his growing sense of helplessness, a leviathan set to devour him whole.
Only the censers remained, rearing before a glassy wall that gave back like the others the reflection of Tiglari himself.
Rearing there before her, higher than her head, seeming to swim against the darkness without sup.
The white house reared its tall columns before her, seeming to withdraw with dignified aloofness from her.
The building reared dark and silent before them, blocked against the rippling silver sheen behind it.