The bay window was about the best feature my rear bedroom had in the warm weather.
In the rear bedroom, the police also found three children - ages 2, 4, 11 - who were unharmed.
He walked through the living room, down the hall toward the rear bedroom, and passed by the studio.
Ring, well in the room, was forward from the door, while Carl was just outside the rear bedroom.
The boy was found in a rear bedroom, wrapped in a curtain.
All three victims were found in the rear bedroom beneath a window leading to a fire escape, he said.
After handing that woman out, firefighters went back inside and found two children in a rear bedroom.
"The fire was in the rear bedroom," he said, "and the children apparently ran into the kitchen to get away from the flames."
Lucy said the rear bedroom was Puck's, so we went back there.
The women were found in a rear bedroom, lying face down on a bed.