He vanished, but reappeared instantly - "Is your name Eyre, Miss?"
The mighty ship disappeared from normal space and instantly reappeared just two miles over the landing field of Aralon.
Her head reappeared instantly at the window to take up the discussion at the exact point where Sean had interrupted it.
Old schisms between 'revivalist' and 'official' Christians instantly reappeared and became inextricably mingled with doctrinal questions.
As soon as it had entered the boundary it vanished, to reappear instantly at the far side of the deficit.
Then the rock seemed to vanish, and it instantly reappeared about a hundred yards away.
The butler reappeared instantly; Rachel suspected he had been listening outside the door.
When they left the secret chamber of the clavichords, the familiar Hal Valance instantly reappeared.
Deliberately he picked up the cards, shuffled and began to deal, the pasteboards vanishing from his hands to instantly reappear on the surface of the table.
Real objects cannot disappear and reappear instantly, for example.