Try to tell it to a realty firm with those million settlers howling for their money back and filing damage claims.
Which leading area realty firm filed for bankruptcy?
Kyoko Suzuki is asked by her brother Tatsuya to come and check a house that his realty firm has recently bought cheap.
"Real estate has an entrepreneurial flavor to it," said the head of a leading realty firm, who asked not to be named.
He also owned his own realty firm, Logue Realty.
"With current prices depressed by more than 20 percent, there are excellent opportunities between $175,000 and $225,000," said John Cuozzo, owner of a local realty firm.
Not a member of any important realty firm.
Ted schmoozed her into joining his realty firm, selling upscale properties to snobs just like herself.
Some transfers also went to jewelers, automobile dealerships and a realty firm, all apparently for the benefit of the fellow conspirators.
Now the storefronts on the ground floor had been updated into offices for an insurance agency and a realty firm.