Despite what global economic realities might suggest, it turns out that this is a good year to be a jeweler.
Today's reality suggests that few families are immune to the increasingly complex social problems that beset us.
While that may salvage a bit of municipal pride, reality suggests that the city cannot afford to be so cavalier.
THE nature of the ocean changed faster than any individual reality suggested, and land came into view by jumps with each crossed boundary.
Do history and current political realities suggest that this is a sound approach?
But rumors and reality alike suggested that his presidency, if it did last, was rushing toward figurehead status.
Up to that point, the reality of the American beer marketplace suggested otherwise.
But what Marxists call objective realities suggest this great awakening will endure.
That reality suggests little chance of any near term major upgrade of Windows Mobile.
But political reality - and recent history - in New York suggests that city officials face a hard sell in Albany.