"But we have political and diplomatic realities to face, General."
An excellent article that clearly states the reality facing the western countries.
They simply reflect the new realities facing the nation, the network says.
That street reflects the political and social reality facing France.
They reflected on the war from the opinion, as he saw it, of the men serving, and the realities facing their families at home.
He talks about the reality facing him of trying to live on the streets and the decision that he has now taken.
In fact their role was beneficial and 'a small sample' of the realities facing Greece.
The new realities facing much of the West can be seen in Utah.
Many such parents, he said, plunge into work on a cure as a way to "avoid dealing with the difficult reality" facing their children.
But the fiscal realities facing governments are putting powerful pressures on them to change the system and keep those people working.