The two competed against other teams of former reality contestants including Jonny Fairplay and Victoria Fuller.
For her second number, Melanie performed the incredibly overdone "Feeling Good," a cursed song that has felled many a reality contestant in the past.
Kerry McGregor, 37, British singer and reality contestant (The X Factor), bladder cancer.
Unsentimental reality contestants don't have the heart for our grand national themes, on television or in films.
When you talk to previous reality contestants, they tend to say they didn't get that much control.
And Fox isn't wasting any time before supplying viewers with new reality contestants to puzzle over.
In this new kind of TV drama, the reality contestant serves as muse, actor, narrator and, every so often, punch line.
Producers shouldn't go out of their way to encourage reality contestants to drink.
The best gauge of how well a reality contestant will sell is, frankly, how well that contestant sells while the show is still on the air.
They're a telegenic if not brilliant group, drawn from the party-oriented pool of reality contestants rather than the churchy pool.