Even Greece enjoyed a spread of sub-1pc - a ridiculous tethering to German stability that did not realistically reflect the divergent economies.
The guidelines have the potential of insuring that child-suppport awards will more realistically reflect the costs custodial parents must bear.
Nalbandian was greatly admired for his efforts in the movement towards creating a national literature that would realistically reflect the aspirations of the Armenian people.
The game includes multiple scenarios which begin the player at the following dates: 1933, 1936, and 1939 with each scenario created to realistically reflect historical situations of that time.
The agency also said it plans to change the serving sizes to more realistically reflect the larger portions that most people eat.
And the sunlight reflected most realistically off the hilts of the swords on the guards' backs.
The tables set an actuarial valuation to such financial devices and use an interest rate that attempts to realistically reflect potential investment returns.
Turning, leaning, hopping, and other actions all reflect in the game realistically.
To do this, we must invest in agricultural research and reflect realistically and responsibly, and I mean properly reflect, on the issue of GM crops.
We want to try to have an order that realistically reflects what they can sell.