The Bat Cave, originally opened in 1998, is a realistic imitation of the St. Clair cave found in Jamaica.
They came in a little party, smiling broadly; as they passed each villager they gave a realistic imitation of a pack of hungry dogs.
The caged parrot at the entrance of La Braisiere, a fine Continental restaurant here, does a surprisingly realistic imitation of incoming mortar fire - and for good reason.
The sounds are generated by analogue synthesis techniques, and, as is typical with this technology, the sounds themselves, although possessing a certain musical charm, are not particularly realistic imitations of their acoustic namesakes.
Dorian told Tom, when they were alone on thegundeck, and gave a realistic imitation of puking.
During the 1980s hybrid synthesizers began to utilize short samples (such as the attack phase of an instrument) along with digital synthesis to create more realistic imitations of instruments than had previously been possible.
Memlon drew a bead on the stump with his finger, then did a remarkably realistic imitation of a phaser's transonic squeal, followed by a less-than-realistic "Pow!"
He revealed his identity minus beard and cap at the teams' lunch but no one had seen through the disguise and his realistic imitation of Grace's batting style.
However, from that point on he wanted nothing more to do with "consistent naturalism" ("konsequenten Naturalismus"), which he even called "so-called realistic imitation of the Jewish school."
"Fighting in the streets," Aahz gasped in a realistic imitation of a weary warrior.