Fluency and directness didn't come naturally, though (he'd had a bad childhood stutter), and realist fiction soon proved a dead end.
Ibrahim was also noted for his socialist realist fiction, of which he was a notable proponent.
Sloan's attention to isolated incidents within the urban environment recalls the narrative techniques used in the realist fiction and Hollywood films he enjoyed.
However, as the public's taste for realist fiction grew, this subsided.
Classical, invisible filmmaking (what is often called realist fiction) is central to this popular definition.
According to his argument, traditional genres, such as realist fiction, are failing to adequately reflect lived reality because they have gone largely unchanged since their early development.
Garnett befriended D. H. Lawrence, and for a time influenced him in the direction of realist fiction.
In the meantime has come a chronicle of work, romance, births and deaths - the usual stuff of domestic realist fiction.
On analogies between economics and literature: "Good empirical work in economics is like realist fiction.
People didn't froth as much in life as they did in realist fiction.