They maintain the vibrancy of the programs and keep students engaged with real-world projects.
Along with real-world projects, Chambers is active with academics.
As with pretty much any real-world project, the adage "you can have it fast, cheap, or correct; pick two" exists here as well.
Enterprises develop engineering skills by allowing students to work in business-like environments on real-world projects while completing their education.
Once the students had become settled, Raymond sought real-world projects for them to work upon, to put his theories into practice.
Reinventing project-based learning: Your field guide to real-world projects in the digital age.
Many teams designed their installations with the computer software they use on their real-world projects.
The technique stands in contrast with security by design and open security, although many real-world projects include elements of all strategies.
Each idea is credited to an author, and some have led to real-world projects.
"Tlön..." has inspired a number of real-world projects: