However, real-world data often does not meet this requirement; it is autocorrelated (also known as serial correlation).
We don't have enough real-world data to know for sure.
Lossless compression is possible because most real-world data has statistical redundancy.
Such computer predictions, continuously checked against real-world data, are slowly getting better.
A weather station as an engine that provided real-world data could then be integrated into each area of school curricula.
It is based around an intricate model of populations, economic production and greenhouse emissions based on real-world data.
Natural runs in real-world data may be of varied lengths.
One draws the outline of these objects, based in part on real-world data obtained from classified sources.
Once the program was completed, the next step was to modify its inputs to be controlled by real-world data.
So, in your world, nobody compares the output of models to real-world data?