While the first version was a stripped down real-time compositing environment, the second version introduced a module system, allowing customization of the software interface.
Unpredictable stalls can be unacceptable in real-time environments, in transaction processing, or in interactive programs.
Onimusha 3 is played in a real-time environment instead of pre-rendered backgrounds, although the camera is still controlled by the computer.
These computers operate in a real-time environment and fail if an operation is not completed in a specified amount of time.
These methodologies, or "conversion optimization" methods, are then taken a step further to run in a real-time environment.
The software PLC is based on the opensource project Classicladder, and runs within the real-time environment.
Kune - Open source federated collaborative real-time environment specialized in group work, with social-networking features.
It was mostly used in real-time environments.
Combat takes place in a real-time environment.
Interviewing flight instructors may tell you if they have basic interpersonal skills, but flight instruction is the teaching of a performance skill in a real-time environment.