A real screamer.
Matilda was a real good screamer.
You guys from Justice are real screamers.
I mean, she was making noises but . . . well, she was a real screamer to start with.
On 10 January 2011, in the FA Youth Cup, Pogba scored a long-range goal, described as "a real screamer", in the team's 3-2 victory over Portsmouth.
Power now is 270 horses, up from 1994's 247, and that makes the 3,100-pound car a real screamer.
Allmusic described the track as "a real screamer where Noddy Holder coughs up a great vocal."
He's a real screamer!
I have a lot to work on, to get to the level of some real screamers, like Austin Carlile, or guys like that.